Believe in True Soul Love

Sreshtha Tewari - Love Coach/Twin Flames
If you are a successful  woman over the age of 30 with an epic career but:
  • you have been hurt in love, more than once

  • you keep ending up with partners who make less than you that you have to ‘mother’

  • you may be divorced or out of an abusive relationship

  • you’ve become disenchanted and feel there’s no good men out there or

  • you think the good ones are taken and not available

  • you may even think the guy you would like, would not want you

  • or you’ve just resided yourself to being alone where there’s more peace…

  • or currently on a twin flame journey experiencing separation…

The root cause about your beliefs and experience in love is actually your self esteem and self worth.

You would enjoy a successful career because you were academic, smart and praised in school. However, the way you were treated as a child affects the relationships we create as aduIts. Things like body shaming, feeling we are not good enough, thinking a great guy would not like us, abandonment fears and other traumas from childhood inform the partner you think you deserve.

A lot of persons get into a relationship with someone who mirrors the parent from whom they did not receive love. It is a subconscious plea to fill the wounded inner child and receive that love. This however, causes us to end up in unfulfilling relationships wondering why this is happening to a good person like yourself.

I have actually lived this, being praised in school and highly academic, yet, getting into relationships that did not nourish my soul, eventually leading to divorce.

Since my divorce, I have been lead on a self discovery journey which really helped me to understand my power and landed me as a Love Coach passionate about helping intellectual women create their most epic love story.

If you would like to magnetize soul love into your life, book a free exploratory call with me. You are also invited to join my free private facebook group where I give a lot of tips on relationships and love.

Sreshtha Tewari, Purposefully Passionate